
domingo, 6 de abril de 2014

Midterm Seminar

Ooooou yeah! Seminar med venner ijgen! yuuuuuuuhu!
Godt, det første av alt, jeg vil å kommentere at detter er  første post skrevet i norsk for meg! uuuuuf godt lykke for meg fra nå....

As du vet, neste volunter, vi har 2 seminarer, det første i begynner og det andre i midten av prosjektet. Denne gang det var i Oslo.

Ok! Here we go...3,2,1...

Denne gang alt det var perfekt, kort flytur, uten stopp, uten bombetrussel i flypassen...og det vær det var greit, med sno men ikke for mange.
Adam og meg vi tok toget fra flypassen og der hun billettkontrllør sa oss noe as : shhhhhh! snakker ikke så høyt!! høyt?? normalt nivå for middelhavet folk!! hahahaha : )

Denne gangen seminaret var det i løpet av tre dager, den første var det mottakelse og lunsj! ingenting annet ... ok ok! i natt hadde vi fest! Snarere hadde vi fest natt hver dag! hahahaha:)
Den første dagen i morgen, andre dag av seminaret, ble vi delt i to forskjellige grupper. Den første, bare for kule folk, jeg var der selvsagt, hahahaha, vi gikk  til å utforske byen og den andre , de gjorde seminarets activties.
Vi gikk til "City Hall", "Norsk Folkemuseum" og "Parlament"

Det var veldig interessant, vi har lært om av norsk historie, Nobel Premier, vikingene, etc etc...
Finn miner!!

Jeg er sikker at du vil ha mye storheter som neste frivillig!

Etter dette full morgen med mye kulturell informasjon, kald hver gang og dans i snøen ....

Ledig tid, middag og .... PARTY!

Den andre dagen av seminaret, vi var i klasserommet med aktiviteter om EVS. Vi spilte forskjellige spill, forteller prosjektet vår, vår lave forventninger, erfaring prosjekt, etc...

Er interessant å lytte og å dele historier og erfaringer med de andre frivillige!

Vi hadde også, en middag sammen, frivillige og trenere i asiatisk restaurant. Jeg husker ikke den dagen det var, men jeg kan huske at maten var det veldig bra!

Dette var det midtveisseminaret, det var kort, men veldig veldig bra! Jeg var med mine venner igjen, å møtte nye frivillige, å visste en ny by, og jeg nøt hvert sekund med dem alle!
Som alltid jeg sier du: WORTH IT TO BE VOLUNTEER!

Jeg kan bare å si: Tusen Takk så mange fyrene for å dele dette seminaret med meg, og jeg er sikker på at vi vil se oss en annen gang! Og selvsagt som du vel vet ... hvis du ønsker å komme å besøke meg i Stavanger... mitt hjem er ditt hjem
Tusen takk til Linn, Camilla vår trenere og Einar!

Det var den siste av seminaret, men ikke min tur i Oslo. Jeg var noen statister dager med annen frivillige!
Vi gjorde turisme rundt Oslo, Holmenkollen, Vigelandsparken, Opera, ... overalt! :)

Jeg festet somes bilder av denne turen! Nyt det!

lunes, 6 de enero de 2014


Ooooooouh yes! Conference in Stavanger!
Really i wanted to write about of this experience! why? Now you'll understdad it! : )

Imagine to live a few days with many people of differents countries, to share differents traditions, food, and to do many and funny activities with all of them! YEEEEAH!! I know, I always say the same but believe me is a great experience and is a part of to be european volunteer!
Message to bosses: Not all it was funny and enjoy...WE WORKED VERY HARD!!! hahahaha

Well, in this time we had one conference in Stavanger in order to explain about of  EVS, "what is",who can to do it", etc... here in Stavanger. We was many volunteers, the must of them, previous volunteers that they did his project here, in Stavanger. So... imagine! to be with previous volunteers that they lived your same situation but 4, 3, 2 , 1 years ago and also for all of them, to join another time with old partners and great friends now a days too.. Who knows? Maybe the next year i can to live situation with you and you'll can to say me: Oh! your blog is really amazing! it was very helpfull! hahahahahaha
I could to explain another time all things about of EVS but i'll show you with pictures and videos! More funny and  workless hahaha

This was part of the program...


 Oooouh yes! it was a great event, many people and some of my volunteers partners told his experience about of EVS. They told which was his project in Norway, his sensations, difficulties, etc... 
More or less the same that you can read in this blog and ofcourse they said and i say you, IS A GREAT EXPERIENCE! WORTH IT TO BE VOLUNTEER!
Do you want to know more about of  this conference? Sneak peek this video!!

Uuuf what extress!! work , work and work...maybe is the moment for to eat something!!

Uuuuuuaaaaaah ( stretch sound ), well, after of a hard day of work and a great dinner all together, we started the day with breakfast and more work!
Watch this video of my partners for to know more about of his experience!

It was a good experience for me to listen stories and much more of my partners volunteers and also it was very helpfull for the  assistants!

By the way...Do you want to know how many people of differents countries we was?

Ooooouh yes! Great mix! and much people that they are not in the pictures!

Well, this post is ending.What do you think? Do you want to be European volunteer? I hope it is, because all volunteers that i've met and myself too, say that is a nice experience and change the life! Oh my god! I'm sentimental! hahahahaha but is truth, likely is one of better experiences that one person cans to live!
So i only can to say you : DO IT! WORTH IT! And also i want to see you the next year in this conference being volunteer!

Finally i attached the rest of the pictures and one movie that is one abstract of this conference. Thanks Mari by make this video and thanks a lot to all of volunteers by to share greats moments! : )


Here is the video! Enjoy it! ( There is not miniature picture by problems with the copyright but you can watch it pushing the link)

martes, 10 de diciembre de 2013



Hun er norsk og er en for tiden frivillig i Belgia

1.- What is for you EVS?
EVS er for meg en utrolig god mulighet til å erfare hvordan barnehjem fungerer. Jeg er nyutdannet barnevernspedagog og vil ha erfaring med barnehjem. EVS gir meg også mulighet til å oppleve en ny kultur og få mange nye venner.

2. - Tell me something about of your project( Where is/was, how long, yours activities)
Mitt prosjekt er i Belgia. Jeg bor og jobber på et barnehjem. Jeg skal være her i 10 måneder. På barnehjemmet er jeg med på å gjøre alle de daglige gjøremålene sammen med barna.

3.- Worth it to be european volunteer? 
Det er absolutt verdt å være en EVS voluntør selv om det kan være vanskelig og frustrerende til tide. Jeg lærer så mye nytt helt tiden. Jeg lærer mye nytt om meg selv ikke minst.

4.- Do you want to say something to the people that want to be european volunteer?
Gjør det! Ta sjansen, du vil ikke angre.


Han er spansk og han var frivillig i Tyskland

1.- What is for you EVS?
It's a unique opportunity to know other cultures, meet incredible people, live fulfilling experiences and push your own boundaries in order to be more aware about the european contemporary reality and, therefore, a better person and citizen.

2. - Tell me something about of your project( Where is/was, how long, yours activities).
I did my EVS in Potsdam, the capital of Brandenburg, not so far from Berlin. I worked in a cultural association specialised in painting and theater courses for children and teenagers. I also assisted in the organisation of exhibitions for young artists and in their annual artistic sommer camp, where the children are free to create whatever they want. Also, I participated in some theater plays (in German!) and in some international exchange programms that we held: during the summer we received a group of chinese students and we travelled to France and Siberia to meet other young people interested on Arts and develope artistic projects together.

My colleagues were german and a large group of former EVS-volunteers that were so happy that decided to stay. That's my case: my EVS finished in August, but since September I still work with the same association.

3.- Worth it to be european volunteer?
Absolutely, most of all in the personal field. You become stronger, learn what are your weaknesses and strengths, you become more independent and tolerant...
Regarding the job market, it depends of the type of work you want to do and the country. In Spain, a lot of enterprises don't about EVS. But of course, during your EVS you acquire some invaluable job competences: one or several foreign languages, team spirit, capacity to solve problems, etc.

4.- Do you want to say something to the people that want to be european volunteer?
Do it, but only if you're sure you want to do it. Prepare yourself before to go, look for the project that suits the most to your personality and expectations, ask other volunteers, and, if the project still appeals and excites you, do it, even if you're a bit scared. If not, look for another project or another life plan, but don't waste the opportunity and don't impede other people to live this wonderful experience.


Hun er Slovakisk og hun var frivillig i Norge

1.- What is for you EVS?
EVS er en kjempe fint mulighet for alle unge person til oppleve andre land. Jeg har møttet så mye kjekke meneske, bli kjent med ny kultur og språk. Jeg har reist mye i Norge, hadde masse gøy.

2. - Tell me something about of your project( Where is/was, how long, yours activities)
Min prosjekt var i Stavanger kommune, hos Ungdom og fritid avdeling. Jeg har jobbert som sosial medarbeider i Hundvåg fritidsklubb. Min ansvar var å hjeple i caffeen og bli der for alle - ansatte og ungdom. Første halv år det var vanskelig med dialekten men etterpå jeg har kose seg i klubben like hjemme. Prosjekten er om initiativ så jeg har forberedet mye forskjell ting for klubben. Min føste interesse var å starte video gruppen, jeg var heldig og 2 guter kommert hver uke til Filmmaker workshops. Når jeg var kjent bedre med folk rundt jeg har forberedet art handverkstedene, hip-hop dans workshops og noen aktivitetene for sommerferie camps. På Hundvåg vi trengte mye promosjon då jeg forberedet plakatene og flyers og gå rundt skolene med min sjeff Eirik. Kjempe viktig del av prosjekt er at du får muligheten å reise mye. På seminarene du kan møtte mye andre volutørene i den sammen land og kan besøke hverandre. Vi har brukt kansje alle mulighetene til å oppleve Norge.

3.- Worth it to be european volunteer?
DEFINITELLY!!! Jeg ønske at alle unge meneske har mulighet å var med på EVS! Jeg har kommt til Norge til prøve profesjonal sosial arbeid og jeg likte så mye så jeg har fått jobb hos Ungdom og fritid og har sjanse til utvikle seg mer i den område.

4.- Do you want to say something to the people that want to be european volunteer?
DO IT! It was the best year, new experience, new people, new you! Choose by your hearth and you'll be supprised how the thing turned up to be awesome!


Han er spansk og er en for tiden frivillig i Polen

1.- What is for you EVS? 
For me it is one of the best experiences i have ever had, because this program provides you everything such as accomodation, contacts of people that are in similar situation, and the possibility of being involved in other culture, learning other language etc

2. - Tell me something about of your project (Where is/was, how long, yours activities...)
My project lasts 9 months time and is developped in a kindergarten of Krakow, my daily activies in great terms are doing activities with kids of 5-7 age range and teach them spanish language and culture.
3.- Worth it to be european volunteer?
For sure, i would repeat it more times if it was possible, but it isn´t so the better you enjoy this experience is the best thing that you can do.

4.- Do you want to say something to the people that want to be european volunteer?
Yes, just dont miss the chance that is provide for the EU and go ahead, most common is that you have to wait for long time to get the vacancy, but it will come!

Now you know the story of four different volunteers. Some are doing EVS now a days and others already did it! But in general the sensation is the same. DO IT! Who knows? Maybe when finish your project find your work of your live like Elena,currently working in the same association that her project or like Alejandro living in Germany, his project's country.
"They have clear it ", me too. And you?

lunes, 9 de diciembre de 2013


Here i put one page in facebook dedicated of EVS... My previous volunteers started with this project and is a big pleasure to continue it! Here you can find a lot and helpful information about of EVS. GREETINGS GUYS!!! : )

sábado, 7 de diciembre de 2013


la foto 1DSC_0160IMG_1548IMG_1166IMG_1165IMG_1164

EVS, un álbum en Flickr.

Some pictures of my day to day like european volunteer in Stavanger, Norway